Monday, March 16, 2015

Mama Em's Adventures in doTERRA - Slim & Sassy

You know how sometimes you read the directions on something and they seem self-explanatory but you screw it up anyway? I did that with doTERRA's Slim & Sassy blend. The directions on the bottle say: Dilute four drips in 4fl oz of liquid. Sounds simple enough, right? So this morning I thought, 'hey, I'm drinking my coffee right now and I'm already in the mindset of better eating and weight loss, let's try the Slim & Sassy!' and BAM! I put a few drops into my coffee. GAG! Don't do that. Slim & Sassy smells amazing. Very citrus like and appetizing... but not a good blend in coffee. It turned my coffee into some sort of orange creamsicle mocha... I don't even know how to describe it. It just wasn't good. So I reluctantly poured it out. Next, I went online and read the full directions. Aha! Add to WATER. Well, duh. I should've known that. So I added Slim & Sassy to my water this time, and it was delightful. That was about five hours ago now, and I'm not even thinking about snacking! Well... NOW I am. Because I mentioned it. But I wasn't before. Honestly! The Slim & Sassy blend is a mixture of grapefruit, lemon, peppermint, ginger and cinnamon. It is designed to help manage hunger, calm your stomach, and lift your mood. So far, so good! Purchase directly from me, and I'll send you a free gift! Click here: Slim & Sassy

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